
Safety Audit Customizer

Safety Audit Customizer - All About OSHAOur powerful safety audit software contains 68 ready to use checklists covering 460 topics!

Conducting regular, thorough safety audits is one of your most effective strategies for catching safety deficiencies that could result in accidents and injuries - or costly OSHA fines.

With our Safety Audit Customizer Version 7.0 software, conducting safety audits is as easy! Here's how it works:

  • Prepare your audit by choosing the ready-to-use checklist you need. (Can't find the checklist you need? Just customize one!)
  • Audit your facility by answering the checklist questions.
  • Analyze your results by reviewing deficiencies and adding tasks for employees to complete to prevent future deficiencies.
New Features added to Version 7.0 include:
  • Compatible with handheld computers (PDAs) - Do you use a handheld computer that runs Palm OS®? This versatile software can save you even more time by allowing you to load checklists onto your handheld for more efficient audits.
  • Rating system - You can "rate" checklist questions, then generate reports based on those ratings.
  • Sorting ability - Allows you to sort topics so you get only checklists and regulation citations that pertain to the work area you choose.
  • Equipment inspection forms - With inspection forms for fleet vehicles, cranes, forklifts, and more, you can make sure equipment is in proper working condition.
  • Special checklists - Such as a checklist for general hazards that apply to almost every workplace, as well as checklists for other special topics like handling an OSHA inspection, and HACCP.
Make your workplace safety audit process easier - order the Safety Audit Customizer Version 7.0 today!

System operating requirements: IBM® PC or 100% compatible computer (Pentium II class or higher), minimum of 32 MB RAM to operate (64 MB or higher recommended), a hard disk with 50 MB available. Windows® '95 (or higher) operating system. CD-ROM drive and mouse required. Video with resolution at least 800 x 600 (small fonts), 16-bit color. Compatible printer recommended. Multimedia capabilities are required to view optional video. Microsoft® Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher required and included. Palm OS® 3.1 or higher required for handheld capabilities.

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Safety Audit Customizer

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